The inauguration of the Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School will take place on October 23rd. The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń is the first university in Poland to implement such an innovative doctoral education programme.
The Academia Copernicana Interdisciplinary Doctoral School (AC IDS) offers prestigious PhD studies for young scientists. The best candidates will work under the supervision of international research teams .The programme - in accordance with the European Salzburg II Initiative – puts special emphasis on innovation, interdisciplinarity and internationalization. The objective is to prepare PhD students for research and scientific activities as well as conduct educational activities at the academic level. The studies are conducted in English. In connection with the growing importance of mobility of young researchers, all students will undergo a compulsory 3-month internship under a foreign supervisor. The consultations with foreign supervisors will also be held during the international summer schools organised in Toruń. The project has been created as a result of the cooperation of the NCU faculties: Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Languages, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Economic Sciences and Management, Faculty of Historical Sciences, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Theology. The School is headed by Prof. dr habil. Werner Ulrich, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection.
AC IDS is a part of the project "Universitas Copernicana Thoruniensis In Futuro - modernization of the Nicolaus Copernicus University" financed by the European Union as part of the Integrated University program (POWER No. 03.05.00-00-Z302 / 17).
The matriculation of doctoral students takes place on October, 23rd 2018 at 11.00 in the Academic Centre of Culture and Art Od Nowa (address: Gagarina 37A).