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Official visit to Israel

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On 21-25.11.2022, Prof. Magdalena Osińska and Prof. Jerzy Boehlke visited Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv (Israel).

The rich program of the visit included, among other things, scientific cooperation, i.e., delivery of a presentation on Modeling intense economic growth using the threshold error correction model - the case of Israel, participation in a seminar conducted by Prof. Ariel Rubinstein (Tel Aviv University) on Real People Aggregating Signals: An Experiment and a Short Story, teaching and organizational cooperation.

As part of the series of meetings, our staff participated in one-on-one discussions with the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences - Prof. Gil Epstein, the Director of the Department of Economics - Prof. Ruth Ben-Yashar, with Prof. Avi Weiss, and a number of researchers from the Department of Economics and the School of Business. An important element of the visit, which took place within the framework of the Erasmus plus program, was a meeting at the Office of International Affairs, during which they discussed, among other things, the issue of student exchange and the possibility of a joint dual degree program. This was the first official visit of our representatives to Israel, which took more than two years to prepare.

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