The Centre for Central and Eastern European Studies invites you to take part in an online seminar about the economic and social impact of the war in Ukraine. The event will take place on 24 of February 2023 at 11:00 a.m. (polish time) as a live webcast on the Facebook page of our Faculty.
During the event, issues concerning the impact of the military conflict in Ukraine on the economic situation of Ukraine, the world, social and political changes and the consequences for international relations will be discussed. Among the invited experts are representatives of universities from Kharkiv and New York: Dr Tetyana Lepeyko, Dr Andrii Kotlyk from Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Dr Matthew G. Nagler from the City Collage of New York, employees of our Faculty: Dr Małgorzata Szczepaniak and dr hab. Michał Moszyński, prof. UMK (Department of Economics)and Tatiana Dębska, President of the Fundacja Good for Good Foundation, organiser of the help point for Ukraine in Toruń.
The event will be hosted by Dr Aranka Ignasiak-Szulc, Vice-Dean for International Relations and Development and Director of the Centre for Central and Eastern European Studies.
After live, the recording will also be available here - for those who do not have a Facebook account.