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Visit of the FESM Dean to the City University New York, USA

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The Dean of our Faculty, Dr Jerzy Boehlke, a Professor at UMK, visited our partner University in New York. The visit, implemented as part of the Erasmus Plus program, included several meetings and visits.

The highlight of the visit was a meeting with the Dean of the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Professor Juan Carlos Mercado. As part of the promotion, the Dean presented Professor Mercado with a book entitled Nicolaus Copernicus versus Thomas Gresham. Dispute over the authorship of the law of inferior money by Professor Mirosław Bochenek.

During the meeting, topics concerning cooperation between our Faculty and relevant CUNY units such as City College, New York University, and the Graduate Center were discussed. The scope of scientific and didactic cooperation was defined, including innovative topics and educational methods possible for MBA studies. In addition, a meeting was held with professors teaching at CUNY, including Professor Yochanan Shachmurov. As a result, further online working meetings were planned to work out the main directions and details of the cooperation.

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