AACSB accredited AMBA accredited
ul. Gagarina 13a, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 4600

Registration for Classes

Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management Registration Calendar

Registration for courses

Students of English-language studies are enrolled in classes by a responsible person from the dean’s office.

Some courses may be conducted remotely (the full list of online or partially online classes is here). Each course taught remotely is listed as a course on the MOODLE platform, and students enrolled in individual class groups receive the relevant instructions and invitations from the course teachers.

Registration for seminars

Students are obliged to register for Master’s Diploma Seminar before the second semester of the first year of studies.
They can choose their supervisors from the list.


Nicolaus Copernicus University Registration Calendar

Registration for university lectures (field of human sciences)

  • For Economics – students must receive 6 ECTS points in the III semester (I semester II year)
  • For Finance and accounting – students must receive 4 ECTS points during the second year of studies (2 ECTS in III semester and 2 ECTS in IV semester)
  • For Management – students must receive 4 ECTS points during the first year of studies

More details are available in study plans.

The list of university lectures that are in the scope of human sciences is available here.

Occupational Safety, Health and Ergonomics

Every student must complete the Occupational Safety, Health and Ergonomics Training till 15th December on Moodle platform.
Students receive the link to training. The link will be sent to all students at the beginning of the first semester of the first year of studies (at our university).