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Polish-French Double Diploma Programme in the field of Management

On shortcuts:

Main assumptions

The Polish-French Master’s Degree Programme (double diploma) was established in 2010 by a joint effort of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management at NCU and the IAE – University School of Management at the University of Angers. Students who complete this programme obtain two diplomas:

  • Diploma of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Master in Management with a specialisation in Business Administration)
  • Diploma of the University of Angers (Master in Management and International Commerce specialisation in International Management and Marketing or in International Human Resources Management)

How does it work in practice? Programme organisation

Classes in the programme are conducted exclusively in English. The first year (2 semesters) takes place in Toruń, where students attend classes in the Business Administration specialisation in the English-language version of the Management programme. The second year (another 2 semesters) takes place in the French city of Angers, where students attend classes in International Management or International Human Resources Management (elective specialisations).

The prerequisite for both diplomas is for FESM at NCU students to complete the study programme, prepare a master’s thesis (in accordance with FESM rules) and to take the diploma examination.

Benefits and advantages of the programme

The benefits and advantages of participating in the Programme include:

  • acquiring broader knowledge and skills – in addition to gaining universal competences in the management discipline, students have the opportunity to understand the specifics and conditions of management in Poland and France;
  • improving intercultural competences – students form one group, work together during classes and have the opportunity to learn the specifics of Polish and French culture;
  • improving linguistic skills – classes are held in English, also, students undergo intensive language courses at the partner university (Poles learn French, French learn Polish);
  • the possibility of undergoing apprenticeships in France;
  • the possibility of using extensive infrastructure and academic facilities;
  • ease of solving all organizational and formal problems thanks to very close cooperation between universities on various levels and mutual trust;
  • the opportunity for students to participate in various interesting initiatives related to closer cooperation between cities (Angers and Toruń)


Recruitment rules and financing

Recruitment of students to participate in the programme is carried out by each university on its own. Up to 10 students may be selected from both universities. On the part of Nicolaus Copernicus University, only students of the Business Administration specialisation of the English-language version of the Management programme may take part in the programme. Recruitment to the programme takes place at the beginning of the first semester. It is based on an interview. The following criteria are taken into account in the selection of programme participants:

  1. First degree grade point average
  2. English language proficiency level (minimum B2 level)
  3. Student and extracurricular activity (eg, activity in scientific circles, organizational activities for the faculty, charity activities, etc.)
  4. Level of proficiency in French/Italian (not required, but would be an asset).

During their stay in France, students have the opportunity to receive financial support from Erasmus +.